Friday, March 4, 2022



House Committee on Appropriations


House Committee on Children, Youth & Families


House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary


House Committee on College & Workforce Development


House Committee on Community & Economic Development


House Committee on Consumer Protection & Business


House Committee on Education


House Committee on Environment & Energy

4209 Adding a new section to the Washington state Constitution regarding the conservation and protection of the state's natural resources. TOO BROAD AND THE COURTS WILL PLAY HAVOC


House Committees on Finance and Capital budget

1966 Creating a local infrastructure investment program to support the development of affordable housing, workforce housing, and revitalization efforts. EMINENT DOMAIN FOR BUDDIES, INCREASED

Feb 17   Scheduled executive session no action

5487 Concerning small school district consolidation incentives for infrastructure enhancement and modernization PAY THEM TO CONSOLIDATE, LESS LOCAL CONTROL Early Learning & K-12 Education

No executive action taken in the House Committee on Capital Budget


House Committee on Health Care & Wellness


House Committee on Housing, Human Services & Veterans


House Committee on Labor & Workplace Standards


House Committee on Local Government


House Committee on Public Safety


House Committee on Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources


House Committee on State Government & Tribal Relations

4207 Proposing an amendment to the state Constitution concerning term limits for state legislators and statewide elected officials. THIS IS AN AMEJDMENT TO THE CONSITITUION CUTOFF DOESN’T APPY


House Committee on Transportation



1614 Concerning online marketplace consumer product theft and safety protection. ATTACK ON SMALL BUSINESSES ONEROUS RECORD KEEPING AND STATE TRACKING

1864 Concerning economic development through advanced technology leadership and security NOT A FAN OF 5g AND AI

1918 Reducing emissions from outdoor power equipment. TAX ON NON-ELECTRIC TOOLS

1981 Concerning local government planning. MASTER PLANNING

4002 Supporting the Jones Act COMMERCIAL SHIPS MUST BE BUILT US

5690 Concerning firearms on the capitol campus for the sole purpose of organized memorial events ALLOWS COLOR GUARD AND 21 GUN SALUTES



2nd Reading

1850 Protecting and enforcing the foundational data privacy rights of Washingtonians SOUNDS GOOD BUT NOT

5078 Addressing firearm safety measures to increase public safety. GUN BAN

5491 Clarifying waiver of firearm rights MAKES IT EASIER TO TAKE GUNS AWAY

5514 Increasing the frequency of county legislative meetings at alternate locations. Increases the frequency county meetings may be held in a location other than the county seat for up to once per month.  Meetings should be held in various locations throughout large counties, providing better and safer access to local government. 




Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks

8009 Calling for a national biodiversity strategy. MAJOR GREENER BILL


Senate Committee on Business, Financial Services & Trade


Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education

8212 Removing the superintendent of public instruction as a statewide elected official.

Waiting for executive session


Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology

8007 Concerning the management of spent nuclear fuel. FEDS NEED TO CLEAN UP HANFORD

8008 Asking the United States Government to enter into a fossil fuel nonproliferation treaty. GREENER


Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care


                Behavioral Health Subcommittee to Health & Long Term Care


Senate Committee on Higher Education & Workforce Development


Senate Committee on Housing & Local Government


Senate Committee on Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation


Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs


Senate Committee on Law & Justice


Senate Committee on State Government & Elections



Senate Committee on Transportation

8211 Amending the state Constitution so that state revenue collected from a road usage charge, vehicle miles traveled fee, or other similar type of comparable charge, must be used exclusively for highway purposes. MOTOR VEHICLE TAXES FOR ROADS


Senate Committee on Ways & Means

1850 Protecting and enforcing the foundational data privacy rights of Washingtonians SOUNDS GOOD BUT NOT

Mar 5 Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM in anticipation of other legislative action.

Mar 7 Scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 5:00 PM in anticipation of other legislative action





2nd Reading

1958 Accelerating rural job growth and promoting economic recovery across Washington through a shovel-ready site certification program and grants. EMINENT DOMAIN TO ALLOW BUDDIES TO BUILD?




1651 Allowing providers to bill separately for immediate postpartum contraception. MUST ALLOW SEPARATE BILLING TO INCREASE AMOUNT PAID TO PROVIDER. DOESN’T LOOK LIKE ABORTION.

1659 Making higher education more affordable and accessible for students by bridging the gap between cost and need to reduce barriers, improve opportunity, and advance economic security THEY NEED APPRENTICE PROGRAMS NOT COLLEGE

1664 Concerning prototypical school formulas for physical, social, and emotional support in schools. SHOULD NOT BE PART OF SCHOOL. CODE WORDS FOR INDOCTRINATION

1739 Modernizing hospital policies related to pathogens of epidemiological concern. REALLY BROAD AND ALLOWS MAJOR RESTRICTIONS ON COVID AND MORE

1768 Updating definitions applicable to energy conservation projects involving public entities. . PROBABLY GREENER TOO

1800 Increasing access to behavioral health services for minors MIGHT BE GOOD AS REQUIRES A PARENT PORTAL BUT TOO MUCH BAD INCLUDED

2037 Modifying the standard for use of force by peace officers. PROTECTS PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE OFFICERS

2076 Concerning rights and obligations of transportation network company drivers and transportation network companies


5555 Concerning public safety telecommunicators NO WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER LICENSE


5612 Ensuring domestic violence victims and survivors of victims have the opportunity to make a statement during sentencing for all domestic violence convictions. SELF EXPLANATORY

5628 Concerning cyber harassment, addressing concerns in the case of Rynearson v. Ferguson, and adding a crime of cyberstalking. HARASS OR THREATEN PERSON OR PROPERTY

5818 Promoting housing construction in cities through amendments to and limiting appeals under the state environmental policy act and growth management act. PROMOTES POPULATION DENSITY

5919 Concerning the standard for law enforcement authority to detain or pursue persons. CHANGING PROBABLRY CAUSE TO REASONABLE SUSPICION AND LOWER STANDARD


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