Friday, March 14, 2014

At emergency with son

Sorry no post about end of session. At least I assume it ended. I was at emergency with my son from 4:30PM-1:30 AM. He is having gall bladder surgery. Yes, he is an adult. I am going to bed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

sine die

Supposed to be tomorrow. Pray it is and wisdom to get it that way.

Moved to 2nd reading

2572 The is WA version of Obamacare OPPOSE

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

No bills are really dead

Any item can be attached to a budget bill. Also, by Rule 9 the majority can bring any bill to the floor for a vote. Technically non-budge bills are dead, but any bill can be "necessary to pass the budget" if they decide it is.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Status same

The bills I have been watching haven't moved. Everyone is working on the budget. Wisdom. Wisdom. Wisdom

Thursday, March 6, 2014

more passed bills

1840  gun control OPPOSE

2102 makes it harder for a criminal to sue his victim SUPPORT

2153 mandatory coverage for obscure intestinal problem by the bills sponsors suspect due to incorrect usage of the colon; no special requirements for cancer, heart disease, even pregnancy OPPOSE

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2nd reading

2102 makes it harder for a criminal to sue his victim SUPPORT

2151 state takeover of local trail systems OPPOSE

2153 mandatory coverage for obscure intestinal problem by the bills sponsors suspect due to incorrect usage of the colon; no special requirements for cancer, heart disease, even pregnancy OPPOSE

2739 questionable reporting of family OPPOSE budget bill

5964 train public employees for open records


1791control human trafficking SUPPORT

2080 vacating convictions from the fish-ins SUPPORT too little too late, but still a little

2105 requires public bodies to post the agenda online 24 hours before the meeting SUPPORT

2192 easier permitting SUPPORT

6078 native American heritage day a legal holiday GOOD

6339 against human trafficking SUPPORT

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Current Status

6194 allow a way for cities to opt out of Growth Management Acts SUPPORT budget bill


2nd Reading
1448 OPPOSE telemedicine probably for chemical abortion need to see if ectopic pregnancy
1791 control human trafficking SUPPORT
2080 vacating convictions from the fish-ins SUPPORT too little too late, but still a little
2105 requires public bodies to post the agenda online 24 hours before the meeting SUPPORT
2192 easier permitting SUPPORT

Passed 2nd House on to the Governor
2261 must identify science behind fish and wildlife actions SUPPORT
2262 must identify science behind ecology actions SUPPORT
2733 more water renewable SUPPORT

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bills to 2nd Reading

From hear the floor can choose to vote on them
1840 gun control OPPOSE
2261must identify science behind fish and wildlife actions SUPPORT
2262 must identify science behind ecology actions SUPPORT
2733 voluntary rating program for preschools PRAY not sure I trust this budget bill
6078 native American heritage day a legal holiday GOOD
6194allow a way for cities to opt out of Growth Management Acts SUPPORT budget bill
6339against human trafficking SUPPORT
please keep praying for 2080 the fishing convictions bill