Wednesday, February 14, 2018


1063  Allowing federally recognized tribes with lands held in trust in a county that is west of the Cascade mountain range that borders Puget Sound with a population of at least one hundred eighteen thousand, but less than two hundred fifty thousand, persons to enter into agreements regarding fuel taxes  Why limiting to a few counties
1144 Amending state greenhouse gas emission limits for consistency with the most recent assessment of climate change science NO
1155 Making felony sex offenses a crime that may be prosecuted at any time after its commission YES no statute of limitations – substitute bill passed from committee does have some limits
1325 Concerning the evaluation and prioritization of capital budget projects at the public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education.5087 BUDGET TIED TO HIRST
1357 Concerning tribal-state relations. Looks like it could help them work together better – input on making laws
1377 Improving students' mental health by enhancing nonacademic professional services. NO mental health is not a school problem. If it needs to be met at the schools, then it should be funded separately under mental health Would help with McCleary too New bill no way to hold accountable
1476  Ensuring the ongoing viability of safe, reliable, on-site sewage systems in marine counties by identifying best management practices with accountability in on-site program management plans without creating or newly authorizing a fee or other program funding source NO State mandated crap tax
1513 Concerning the collection of youth voter registration sign up information. NO. If they can’t figure out how to register, they won’t figure out now to vote intelligently either.
1523 Requiring health plans to cover, with no cost sharing, all preventive services required to be covered under federal law as of December 31, 2016. NO requires abortion coverage
1570 Concerning access to homeless housing and assistance. NO curtailing taxpayer information under the guise of helping the homeless
1987 Concerning allowing affordable housing development on religious organization property. NO cannot discriminate due to creed, no longer religious organization
2101 Concerning the availability of sexual assault nurse examiners YES and then maybe we can have the police actually test the rape kits
2259 Addressing the state auditor's duties and procedures 5997 Why labor relations consultants removed? Why no report to legislature?
2276 Concerning notification of wildlife transfer, relocation, or introduction into a new location Needs to happen
2288 Concerning the Washington history day program 6374 Good idea, but what history will be taught
2360 Increasing penalties for the crime of patronizing a prostitute YES
2362 Concerning crime committed by business entities ALLOW SUIT TO BREACH CORPORATE VEIL.
2585 Concerning hospital notification of availability of sexual assault evidence kit collection NEED TO PROTECT WOMEN
2595 Concerning procedures in order to automatically register citizens to vote NO BASICALLY ASKING CITIZENSHIP STATUS
2779 Improving access to mental health services for children and youth 6485 BILL
2832 Ensuring the passport to college promise program is available to certain populations of foster youth DACA EDUCATION NO
2839 Authorizing an alternative form of regulation of electrical and natural gas companies 6424 CARBON TAX NO
2938 Concerning campaign finance law enforcement and reporting STOP GLEN MORGAN BILL
2951 Ordering a study to determine how to increase reporting and investigation of missing Native American women YES, YES, YES
5020  Concerning certain state ethnic and cultural diversity commissions NO costs money and we are all Americans
5028 Requiring teacher preparation programs to integrate Native American curriculum developed by the office of the superintendent of public instruction into existing Pacific Northwest history and government requirements Would be wonderful if we could trust the OSPI.
5064 Concerning freedom of expression rights of students at public schools and institutions of higher education. YES should protect both sides
5307 Creating alternatives to total confinement for certain qualifying offenders with minor children. ??? Can see both good, but also danger in this
5522 Requiring the department of social and health services to collect and publicly report information on the safe surrender of newborn children. 1312 YES Need records
5598 Granting relatives, including but not limited to grandparents, the right to seek visitation with a child through the courts. ??? Sounds really good, but I can see lots of abuse by relatives that “love” the child in the wrong way, want to stalk a parent, etc. I think parents have a right to say who sees their kids period.
5722 Restricting the practice of conversion therapy. NO Here we go again totally one sided, you can change from hetero to homo but not back
5766 Preventing harassment, intimidation, and bullying in public schools NO for transgenders, should be for Christians and shy and fat etc. too
5912 Concerning insurance coverage of tomosynthesis or three-dimensional mammography YES
5992 Concerning trigger modification devices may have legitimate uses NRA AGAINST
6021 Extending the period for voter registration 2297 NO VOTER FRAUD
6037 Concerning the uniform parentage act NO Rent a womb is back
6052 Reducing criminal justice expenses by eliminating the death penalty and instead requiring life imprisonment without possibility of release or parole as the sentence for aggravated first degree murder. NO Need death penalty at least for attacks on prison personnel
6084 Requiring maintenance of minimum essential health care coverage NO
6086 Protecting the state's marine waters from the release of nonnative finfish from marine finfish aquaculture sites GOOD
6102 Enacting the employee reproductive choice act 2908 NOOOO
6219 Concerning health plan coverage of reproductive health care.NOOOOOOO
6353  Concerning procedures in order to automatically register citizens to vote 2595NO BASICALLY ASKING CITIZENSHIP STATUS TRANSPORTATION
6471 Developing model policies to create workplaces that are safe from sexual
6474 Creating a pilot project for tribal compact schools ??

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