The new session will be starting very soon. I will be primarily covering new bills, but all bills not passed last session can be brought back at any time. Any that were passed by a committee are still passed, any passed by one house are still passed. I will try to monitor those, but sometimes they are quickly brought to the floor. This happens when they are in rules in the 2nd house.
Also, you may notice the new look, I am trying to make it easier for you to navigate this. I will make a master post for the topics and edit that rather than repost. That way things will be together. I will change the published on date so that you can see when I update the post. Also, I am not going to break things into topics for you, as I will follow fewer bills
You can use the Bill Information link to comment on bills.
The biggest prayer need of for HJM 4008. Pray and comment on this one.
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